Day of infamy stats
Day of infamy stats

  1. #Day of infamy stats Patch
  2. #Day of infamy stats Pc

The third member would wear a normal emblem to show that they're the messenger of the group. Two fireteam members would put on the same Hakke-brand emblem to show their participation in the scheme, like flashing an innocuous tattoo to enter some secret underworld.

day of infamy stats

#Day of infamy stats Pc

The method was brilliantly simple, though it only worked on PC due to its reliance on Steam. It started in the game's Chinese community, but with a wave of the old VPN, players from other regions could join in too – and some most assuredly did. See, Bungie recently changed the rules around rejoining in-progress Trials matches, and players worked out a way to exploit this in record time for some easy gear. Trials' flawless chest is meant to be an exclusive, hard-fought reward, but players used a loophole to farm piles of pinnacle-grade Trials loot, including coveted Adept weapons with extra stats and special mods. While teams of 12 were liquefying bosses in raids, teams of three were gambling their way to flawless loot in Trials of Osiris at the so-called emblem casino. We've already hit a new peak, and yet we're only halfway through the weekend. We've got 12 players in a six-player activity using one bug to bypass boss immunity while dodging another bug that's compounded by the fact that there are 12 players in a six-player activity. So with 12 of us doing that, 12 of us died very fast." We tried that with Taniks to see if we could kill him before the damage phase, but the problem was that there's also a bug where if you fire at an enemy, it has a chance to kill your teammates. "There's been a bug with it for a while where you walk up to an enemy and hug it, and it'll do damage even if they're immune. "My favorite was when we did a Colony one," he says, referring to the Exotic grenade launcher Colony. Scrub's favorite encounter to run with 12 people was the final Taniks fight in the Deep Stone Crypt – "being able to watch the health bar drain with just about anything was really satisfying" – but he also experimented with some weirder challenges. As long as you don't mess with the players, you can just sit back and learn as much as possible. It'd be like an up-and-coming athlete having seats in the middle of the court at the NBA.

day of infamy stats

It doesn't matter how experienced you are with the game if you're in a team of 12, you can do absolutely nothing and the raid will still carry on normally. This highlights one of the less obvious upsides of this glitch: now is the best time in recorded history to learn to raid. The other big change is Master Nightfalls. "With all the nerfs we've gotten over the past year, the two Garden bosses have gotten harder to one-phase, but with 12 players, it goes right back to an easy one-phase. "I'd say the most noticeable change was the Garden bosses," Scrub says. Of course, with anywhere from two to four times the usual number of players, every encounter was a pushover. Everyone received loot correctly in raids, for instance, and bosses – who admirably showed up to work in the face of 12 Guardians – all behaved as you'd expect. From the roles in the Deep Stone Crypt to the runic plates in the Last Wish, Destiny 2 was somehow trucking along under the hood even with 12 people in an instance. The extra players tanked the frame rate and caused more than a few error codes – which is a big part of why 12-man content just isn't a thing in Destiny 2 – but the activities' actual mechanics were unaffected. Scrub and his clan pulled this glitch off dozens of times, and to their surprise, the game basically worked every time. He invited me to this server, and there were two with 12 people in each one, so I was like, 'Oh, this is serious.' They've got it going, they've got screen shares, they've got 12 people in the. "I uploaded the video at like 6pm, and I learned of it at like noon that day.

day of infamy stats

"I learned of it the day I uploaded the video, February 26," he says. To get a feel for how this worked, I spoke to Destiny YouTuber Scrub, whose explanatory video helped the glitch hit critical mass. Well, on February 26, players circulated a way to deliberately and reliably put way too many Guardians into several activities, including raids, Strikes, dungeons, and patrol zones. For several months, every now and then, someone on the Destiny Reddit would share a clip of them queueing into a six-player Nightfall Strike or some other accident that led to an over-capacity activity.

#Day of infamy stats Patch

(If you're reading this after March 16, 2021, the date Bungie plans on issuing a patch fix, you'll have to make do with highlight reels). We'll start with the PvE side of the game, since it's the one more players are familiar with and this cheese is still doable in-game at the time of writing.

Day of infamy stats